Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Highlander

This small bar sits in side street in Paris right next to the River Seine on the Saint Germaine side and as I walked past the Scottish flag caught my eye first .... and then the name. 
It's probably a good time here to explain the name of my website and my blog which of course is why this bar in Paris attracted my attention (as well as being a bar .... and being a Scottish one of course!).
A few years ago .... ok many years ago ..... my wife bought me a wonderful Birthday present of a bar - a beautiful rosewood bar, hand made in Melaka, Malaysia. This bar became the centre piece of our living room and was of course a focal point for many social occasions in our home. We moved to Dubai for about 4 years and of course the bar was duly packed up and again took pride of place in our Dubai home. Many parties and unplanned gatherings took place at my bar, which because of my ancestry, became know casually as "The Highlander Bar". One Christmas we hosted a lunch and of of my good friends gave me a present of an engraved bar sign as you can see below .....
We now had an official name for my bar and the sign was quickly erected over the bar. Shortly thereafter I did some googling on "Highlander Bar" and found that there was a bar in Gran Canaria island, Spain which was called the Highlander Bar and which had the domain name However the domain name was free so I bought this and set up my first website for my little bar.
Not stopping there I then used this theme to name my photography website, and my blog, Fairly recently I also managed to buy the domain as it had become available, I presume the bar in Gran Canaria had gone belly up.

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